
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Iris is her Name

In my walks recently I had noticed gorgeous iris.
Now iris is a flower I am learning to like.
I guess it is that the fragrance often puts me off,
I don't really like it, but I love the beauty from a distance.
They have been so beautiful in other peoples gardens
I decided to snap a few pictures.
Sadly they were already fading away for the season.
This was the only bearded iris I could find.
And just the week before they were everywhere.
I snapped each one as I found them.
So pretty even in their demise.
Each season has it's own beauty if we only stop to notice.

The seasons of our lives also show their beauty in surprising ways.
Just today on Instagram someone showed her grandmothers hands
reaching for a pie and the picture just sang to my heart.
As I age I have to remind myself of the beauty of each season
and then the beauty of the memories after the demise.

I wasn't going to show these pictures because they weren't at their peak,
but then I realized they had lessons yet for me to learn.


  1. These are lovely thoughts, Marilyn. There is beauty at every age and we need eyes to see it. Flowers have their own charm when fading and wrinkling, too.

  2. I have some in my garden. My favourites are the Siberian Iris. I have it in yellow and blue.

  3. I'm very fond of irises. They're quite showy. And in many ways I think of my Aunt Iris whenever I see one. These are beautiful, Marilyn.

  4. Thank you for sharing the irises you saw on your walk. Whether at their best or when they begin to fade flowers are fascinating. My favourite irises are the miniature Alpine varieties that I grow in pots or in a rockery and appear in the Springtime. I'm also wonder how the large mauve ones are doing in our Italian garden. It's the perfect setting for them.

  5. I love the form and colors of Iris - but they do not last long and look a bit untidy if not tended to. If I had a pond I would love them for the edges, the leaves are sturdy and look beautiful near water.
    Torrential rain here last evening battering everything down - more storms expected today, grrrrrrr!!!!!

  6. Beautiful post Marilyn, I love irises but they never last long enough. If only they would last longer into the summer. I do love though how different a scent each one has. All so unique!


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