Friday, April 6, 2018


With last week's celebration this crown of thorns seemed to be appropriate.
I walked in the garden collecting nature and savoring the sun of spring.
Each moment to I can spend out doors delights my soul.
It has always been my place of choice when I needed
restoration, relaxation, and a lighter heart.
So today I remember Easter, but more than that I am soaking
up the out of doors, smelling the earth, and smiling at the sun.

"Man is a part of nature,
and his war against nature 
is inevitably a war against himself."
~Rachel Carson

Happy weekend, dear friends!
I hope you have moments to step outdoors this weekend.


wisps of words said...

Here, it would be lovely if the wind and cold temps would abate. So it will feel like going out.

The howling winds have stopped, but it freezes at night, and even during the day, temps are not conducive, to a wander.

Enjoy your Spring!

Jeanie said...

This is beautiful, Marilyn. A crown of thorns indeed.

Tracy said...

How BEAUTIFUL this Crown and remembering Easter Sunday, Marilyn...wonderful composition and musising! I'm so glad Easter is a season, and not just one day. 50 days from Easter to Pentecost, so lots of days to remember the Crown and Easter. :) ((HUGS))