Friday, August 20, 2021

Off to the Seaside

 Just last week here in Oregon we were hovering around 100 degrees. On Thursday I believe it hit 106 degrees and my daughter said let's go to the beach. Off we drove with my live-in gardener, daughter, grandson, grandson's good friend, and me. We packed our lunch and drove the 1 1/2 hours to our favorite spot at the seaside.

A lot of people had the same idea, but finally we found parking at Oswald West (Gnome Beach) and with about 1/4 mile hike we were at the water.
I love this hike because it takes us through gorgeous old growth trees. My children call it Gnome Beach because many of the trees have holes where the gnomes must live.
And here were are! The beach was a bit misty when we arrived, but as the afternoon moved along the sun came out. How wonderful the cool air felt.
Oh! I forgot there was a white dog in the car too. The dogs loved running along the waters edge as much as the people loved scampering in the water, getting our toes wet, and avoiding getting a full dunk in the waves.

But some came prepared to ride the waves and it was fun to watch them come and go.
This is one of my favorites beaches. It actually is a cove wrapped in trees and cliffs.

My live-in gardener started stacking rocks and after awhile we were surrounded in stacks.
As we climbed the hill to return home to our hot houses there was one last look back to remember a special day by the sea.
And we walked again through the trees.
It was a special day away, a much needed day by the sea.

When you are having a hot summer day, how do you cool yourself?
Do you go to the water, up in the hills, jump in a pool, or sit by a fan?

This week our days are back to normal temperatures and I am delighted in each day once again.

Happy weekend, dear friends!


Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Nothing like the gorgeous Oregon coast! Such rugged beauty. I had no idea it was so hot again for you. I can think of nothing better to beat the heat.

My Tata's Cottage said...

What a fabulous day at the beach. I love seeing your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them. Happy Weekend!

Anne Robinson said...

Your pgoots are lovely. I love the gnome beach name. That is so cool. Thanks for sharing and enjoy a great weekend. HUGS

Anonymous said...

Just BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

Mary said...

I would have enjoyed being there with you!
Is that pink flower fireweed? Looks like a beautiful spot for a hot day. . . . .meanwhile we just stay inside the house with the a/c running 24/7 at this time of year, no fun at all really.
I do know however that I should be grateful for all the good things I have when so many are struggling just to stay alive another day!

Enjoy the weekend dear Marilyn. Stay coooool!

Linda P said...

Your trip to the coast must have been invigorating. The walk to the cove and then a wander along the beach was a good way to spend your time. The crashing waves look amazing and stacking those large rocks would have been fun.

Sandi said...

Delightful. Your blog is aptly named.

Adrienne said...

That's a wonderful beach! We've never stopped and gone to the beach there. We usually have the trailer behind us and a destination in mind. Some day we MUST go and enjoy your favorite beach. We were at Odell Lake, between Eugene and LaPine, high in the Cascade Mountains during most of the high temps in the valley. It was hot at the lake but we were able to survive and enjoy our time camping and fishing with friends there. This is an annual gathering with friends each year so we 'toughed' out the temps and the smoke from nearby forest fires. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous spot on the Oregon Coast.

Jeanie said...

What a perfect road trip -- and sorely needed, I suspect with that heat. I love, just LOVE that you stacked the rocks! Someone will find great joy in that later!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful day at the beach with your family, Marilyn. Love that stack of rocks, it's very cool. The photo with the pink flowers and the sea in the distance is so pretty. It's special that your children have a nickname for this beach as well, Gnome Beach, how fun.

We've had a hot Summer here too, Marilyn, but it's been cooling off and I'm sure ready for Fall.
