Monday, June 3, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 “Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." Mother Teresa


Black petunias

Hydrangeas starting to show their colors.


A ladder I rescued from a neighbors trash.

I took my "big girl" camera out for a walk in the garden this week. Why I don't do that more often, I don't know. I guess the phone camera is just too handy and easy to grab and snap.

The quote at the beginning is so true. It seems just a nod of the head as you pass someone in the store, a smile,a hug when needed or even a heart sent in a text are all small things, so easy to do. We may never know what those small gestures do for the receiver.It may turn a bad day into a good day. 

Sending love,




Jeanie said...

I always feel sad for people who don't even look up when you pass -- they might be involved in their phones or music or just looking down or straight ahead. I wonder, "What are you afraid of?" Even a nod of the head... but no. It's just sad.

Red Rose Alley said...

I've never seen a black petunia before, so cool. That ladder looks delightful in your garden. And the quote is so special. Mother Teresa became a Saint, and is one of my beloved Saints. : )

Have a good June week. I appreciate your "words of kindness and joy" posts, Marilyn.


Lorrie said...

Small kindnesses can mean so much. I try to remind myself of that when I'm out and about. Smiling or saying a pleasant word costs me nothing.