Monday, July 15, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 Yes, I will share a story of Kindness and Joy; but thought just for your viewing pleasure I would include pictures along the beautiful Oregon Highway my "live-in gardener" and I traveled to Southern Oregon. We had never traveled on part of this highway and decided we wanted a bit of a detour just to see the beauty. It didn't disappoint.

Crater Lake in the middle of Mt. Mazama, a volcano which erupted many years ago forming this lake. One day this picture might pop up again as I think it would be fun to do a post on The Ring of Fire. There was still a little snow on the ground.

The story I really wanted to share today was a "pay it forward" sort of story. Every once in the while on Instagram I see these stories where someone is helped when they are struggling, how it changed their life and how they turn to help another.

I was raised by a single mom, my father removed himself from the family when I was two. Life was often a struggle for my mom. When I was in high school the electric company was threatening to turn our electricity off because my mom couldn't pay the bill. I remember being upset about it when someone from our church stopped by our home and gave my mother the money to pay the bill. Later when my mother offered to pay them back they said to pay it forward to help another. That made such a huge impact on me. I had never heard of that concept before. What an amazing heart of kindness. It changed how I thought of helping another without expecting anything in return.

Again I am reminded a smile, a hug or even a kind word can change someone's heart and make their day a better day.

Sending love,



KitKat said...

Thanks, Marilyn, for sharing about your family. I, too, was raised by a single mom and learned early on to be grateful for everything that came my way, big or small. I enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work. Blessings!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a special story, Marilyn. I loved hearing it. And these are beautiful photos of Oregon. I visited my brother-in-law a couple times when he lived in Oregon, but since he passed away, I've never returned. He used to always suggest to us that we move there.

Have a blessed week, dear Marilyn.


Jeanie said...

I love this story, Marilyn. Paying it forward -- that's wonderful and I'm glad you had such a fine example so early in life