Monday, July 22, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy  

poem from 365 words 

I came across this reading on You Tube not to long ago and thought you would enjoy. 

This plant is in a corner of my dining room. It was a gift from a friend. I enjoy it every morning as I sip my tea nearby. Isn't it beautiful? It is called an Angel Wing's Begonia. This gift was a gift of kindness and reminds me of that kindness by a friend each day.

Please always remember kindness to others each and every day.

Sending love,



Red Rose Alley said...

Ooooo, that's a pretty plant, Marilyn. It looks nice in the corner of your dining room. I like the way the light comes through that window. Your plant probably likes it too. Just watered my plants outside in this heat. They drank it up fast. : )


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....I liked the poem. She read it so mysteriously and sweet.

Lorrie said...

What a pretty begonia. I've never seen one like it. I'm enjoying the cooler weather just now, although I didn't mind the heat. It felt like summer!

Sandi Magle said...

I was designing for SilkGreenhouse when I came across faux AngelWing begonia leaves. So elegant and pretty. Ours had deep veining in whites or pinks. One of my jobs for opening of our store was to create 100 green arrangements, with no more than one flower in them. Quite the challenge, but the begonia leaves became a favorite focal leaf. These look so elegant on your table...lovely!

Jeanie said...

Plants always remind me of the one who gave them too. Yours is lovely,