Monday, August 26, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 "Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things." Chaim Potok

This weekend I drove to Eugene, Oregon to have a "me" weekend with a friend. When I arrived she said "come, have tea".

It was a little cool, so she had the fire burning and the table was set out in her little tea tent in her yard.
We sipped a lovely black tea from Young Mountain Tea in her grandmother's china. The china, with violets, reminded me of my grandfather's china. So very special.
She had made three open face sandwiches: cucumber, chicken curry, and caprese with tomatoes from her garden.
Then we had a lime tart, little cakes and chocolates.
The view from my seat of her garden.

What a kind, thoughtful gift.

She knew exactly what I would enjoy, a refreshment after the 2 hour drive.

Sometimes it is just these little things, that make life so special and put a smile on your faces. I loved being the recipient of tea time, as most often I am the giver of tea times.

Hoping kindness comes your way this very week.

Sending love,



Lorrie said...

What a lovely experience from your friend. She knew just what would delight you. It all looks delicious!

Jeanie said...

The way to Marilyn's heart -- a dear friend who will also serve tea! I love that -- and her set-up was just gorgeous. Tasty looking, too.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a lovely table your friend set for your tea time. How special is her grandmother's china, and I love that mint green antique bowl. The food and desserts look wonderful too. A special outing after a two hour drive.
