Monday, September 9, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

"kindness (noun) An instance of kind or charitable behaviour. Generosity makes us feel good."  Wikipedia

My tea group met yesterday in a historic cemetery. Needless to say, it was quite peaceful there. A perfect place for meditation and sipping tea. There were two of the attendees that had a difficult time moving about; so the kindness of the one sitting next to them served the tea for them. It makes my heart happy because I know when I get to that point some day I know someone in the group will be there for me.


Not too long ago I attended the Aloha Festival. What struck me when seeing these women in their beautiful dresses is that they stopped to share some time with the elderly lady sitting on her walker. It is those little things, generously given.


Last year when my "live-in gardener", my D, and I went zip lining I was felt well cared for by those working there. They helped fasten us in to our harnesses and were there to catch us at the end of the line. I felt safe with them.

Sometime ago several tea fans sat in the park serving tea. At my table sat this little girl sipping tea with me. I feel like she felt safe with me and her mother left her there to sip tea. Her mom must have felt safe to leave her with me too.


She even felt safe enough to lay down on my blanket by my tea table to rest awhile. In this picture you see someone came on his bicycle and also put out some tea to share with those that dropped by for a sip.

So you see generosity does indeed make us feel good, we feel safe when people around us are kind.

 Have a good week, dear friends.

Sending love,



Jeanie said...

Yes, being cared for and caring is indeed kindness. I loved all the photos.

Sandi Magle said...

How lovely...and that sweet little girl. What's better than a tea party----LOL, ziplining, honestly you are brave, just getting up the darn tree! Sandi

Red Rose Alley said...

What a nice day with the tea group. Sweet picture of the little girl sipping tea with you, Marilyn. The picture of the ladies at the Aloha festival is very neat too.....and special of them spending some time with the elderly woman.
