Thursday, April 16, 2009

Urban Farming

First, an urban farmer must have a few flowers.
The vegetables are grown in the parking strip.
It is planted, ready, and growing under the soil.
Now where did that urban farmer get the idea?
Baby chicks are keeping warm under a heat light.
They are growing fast and looking forward to moving
into their hutch in the backyard when the weather warms up.
There are four of them, "The Golden Girl's", the farmer calls them.
There is definitely a pecking order to the four.
Here is the urban farmer with her chick.
Portland seems to be hatching many urban farmers in this time of slump in the economy. What a creative way to supply food needs for your self and those around you.
Are you finding creative ways of adjusting to the downward economy?


Annie Jeffries said...

I'm am lucky to have an urban farmer right over my fence. Once in a while I peek there a knot hole to see what he is growing and daily, his roster wakes me up just in time to get ready for work.

Unknown said...

You'll notice my flower bed isn't just for show - it keeps the area pretty until the strawberries are ripe. And, yes, I got that parking strip idea from another urban farmer we both know well since his cherry tree and my walnut make backyard veggies impossible. The girls already have more color. They can't wait to move outside!

La Tea Dah said...

I think urban farms are a wonderful idea! Love those little chicks!


South Bay Ladies' Tea Guild said...

Urban farming is becoming more popular in California, too. Many people have fruit trees in their yards that were originally planted to be ornamental, but produce edible fruit. More people are beginning to use the fruit, instead of letting it fall off and being thrown away. We have a wonderful Meyer lemon tree, and an orange tree, peach, apple and fig trees, too in our yard. I also have an herb garden in pots, and I'm planting my tomatoes and peppers this week, hopefully. It's an economical way to get organic produce, plus veggies and fruit that are fully ripe, unlike what you get in the store! Good luck with your garden!