Friday, September 9, 2011

Iced Tea Weather

But Which First?

Shall we have a nap or take tea?
For nap time and tea time
Go hand in hand.

And if the tea is sweet
And the sleep is warm,
Then the secrets of
Tea leaves and dreamscapes
We will joyfully understand.

by~ Earlene Grey

The tea is iced, a Monk's Blend.
A nice black tea with grenadine flavoring.
It makes a delightful iced tea for a warm summer's day.
Oh, the cookie is a macaron of apricot and pistachio.
What could be more perfect for an afternoon respite outdoors?

Happy weekend, dear friends!


La Tea Dah said...

Happy week-end to you too, Marilyn. It's very hot here. Your iced tea looks and sounds very refreshing. I've been enjoying my favorite Darjeeling with a touch of a delightful lavender syrup. It is so yummy! A real delight of the heart!

Laurie said...

This looks so good Marilyn, I have some iced in the fridge, I think I'll have a glass before turning in for the night!

Karen's Place said...

lovely too my friend, you too.

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

Decisions, decisions...what a beautiful choice!

Adrienne said...

How about tea and then a nap. And then a nap again! Sounds wonderful!

koralee said...

We live on iced tea all some long...and our weather is heating up again so I must make another batch...hugs.

BrittArnhild said...

I am coming over to have tea with you :-)

What a charming photo.

Tracy said...

Oh, this is bliss, Marilyn! The flavors of this iced tea and macaron are heavenly...*swoon*... As we were indoors much due to rain this weekend, there was much tea sipping--warm tea, that is. ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

Angela McRae said...

Nap + tea + sweets = heavenly!

Jeanie said...

That macaroon looks to die for -- absolutely heavenly in every way!