Wednesday, April 5, 2017

If I was April

If I was April
I would have daffodils in my hair
There would be a rainbow around my shoulders
Blossoms would snow down from cherry trees to delight
 I would wear my rubber boots and splash through the rain puddles
I would run and play with a hike through the woods
Strawberries would dribble down my chin
And oh yes, there would be hard boiled eggs
deviled I am sure.

If I was April
I would sing in the shower
Play a joke or two
and Dance

Welcome April!
photo in my neighborhood in April


Jeanie said...

If I were April I'd warm up and dry out!

You sound like you'd have more fun than me! Love your photo!

Tracy said...

Sooo DELIGHT-full is your poem, Marilyn... I'm just loving that image of the rainbow around your shoulders amidst cherry blossoms snowing down... :) Such a happy image--fun with the old van amid all the new blossoming. If I were April I'd have a pink tulip petal-gown and jewelry made of grape hyacinths, soft green moss shoes. I like the idea of that! Happy Spring Days! ((HUGS))