Monday, July 22, 2019

Garden Quote 2019

"A garden is a grand teacher.
 It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; 
it teaches industry and thrift; 
above all it teaches entire trust.”
 ~Gertrude Jekyll

Every once in the while I love putting on my macro lens
and getting up close and personal with flowers in my garden.
Is this being watchful?

Just yesterday, as I sat quietly in my garden,
I was watching!
I found a beautiful array of birds in the garden
just enjoying the day in peacefulness.
It was extra special to see them.

Have a good week, dear friends.


Red Rose Alley said...

I like this quote today, Marilyn. I do think the earth teaches us, and I've been wanting to get back to nature lately. It's the place where I truly find peace. And your post today was peaceful as well.


Mary said...

Amazing quote - 'Gertie' certainly knew what to see, think and say about gardens and gardening!

Nice photos Marilyn. Being watchful can be fascinating through our macro lens, seeing little bits of Nature we might otherwise miss.

Happy week - we're waiting for a cool front today which should, hopefully, bring much-needed rain.
Mary x

Countess Grey in the Garden said...

Beautiful quotes. I actually used the first you posted for a post a few days ago because my garden is trying my patience and this quotes reminds me to just breath. :)

Tracy said...

LOVELY quote... and equally lovely images, Marilyn! I sometimes miss having a "proper" camera with marco and all that. The least said about my Samsung phone camera, the better. ;) Oh, but a garden is a great teacher, and a friend too, I think. High summer now, when a lot is sort of taking care of itself, it's good to be able to slow down in the garden a little be and just watch, observe, be in and with the garden and all that's in it, or visits it. Let's enjoy the slow while we can! ((HUGS))

Jeanie said...

Aren't macros wonderful? You captured some beautiful detail here. Now, all we need is smell-o-vision!