Friday, December 20, 2019

Chair and Winter Solstice?!

There is no doubt when I go through my pictures that I love chairs.
When I go out to the antique mall I always photograph them.
I would buy them and take them home if I didn't already have plenty.
The image of a chair reminds me to sit for awhile,
dream, and share time with a friend.
So as the winter solstice is here this very day,
the shortest day of the year,
I am dreaming of just that.
Grab a cup or glass of whatever you enjoy.
For me I will have a warm cup of tea in my hands.
Let's look back on the year as the warmth of your cup permeates.
We started the year dreaming of flowers, watching the buds come up 
from the ground in new life. We dreamed of the year to come.
Did you pick a word for the year and open your heart to it?
We are ending by celebrating Christmas.
Is that warm cup doing the trick?
Is it soaking into your hands and warming your soul?
Did your word for the year have an impact on you?
Was it a wild ride?
A hard one?
Did you get moments to sit in the sun?
Winter solstice, a warm cup in my hand, a chair,
and maybe a sit down by the fire always makes me contemplate.
Thoughts swirl through my mind in remembrance, sadness, JOY,
laughter, and dreams.

So come along with me, sit awhile, dream, and remember.
Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Weekend, dear friends!
Find some time to sit awhile.


Lorrie said...

Here we are at the depths of the darkness in the year. Light beckons. Lovely thoughts, Marilyn, and a happy solstice to you, too.

Jeanie said...

Here comes the sun! I'd love to sit in any one of those comfy spots right now. I don't know if I'll sit down much at all today!

Merriest, my friend!