Friday, May 17, 2024

Mother's Day - 2024

 It was a lovely Mother's Day last Sunday.

That being said, most often I don't like Mother's Day. I always thought it was because I must have high expectations for what I thought should happen. This year my son slept in and we went ahead with plans to walk in the Crystal Spring Rhododendron Gardens and have a picnic at a local park with my daughter and grandson. My son is not good at celebrations; so letting him sleep made the day extra special. That might not sound caring or loving, but it actually worked very well. He was happy to sleep and I was happy to spend time with my daughter and grandson and celebrate a special day.

It was a gorgeous, sunshiny day.

The flowers were in full bloom.

We even came across a little princess frolicking in the garden.

A patch of primula.

Aren't the flowers beautiful? I seem to be partial to pinks, my daughter loved the white with the purple center.

Sort of a silly picture of the two of us, but I like it just the same.

There were a few iris sprinkled in the garden.

D is so loving toward his family. Here he is with his mama.

 It was a perfect day to celebrate family and a beautiful garden.

My "live-in gardener" put together the picnic of cheeses, cold cuts, fruits and a lemon cake.

Hope your Mother's Day was extra special even if you are not a mother, but still celebrate the day with someone special.

Sending love,



Jeanie said...

I think it sounds like a perfect day. Sometimes it's best not to have the whole family because you can appreciate each of the individuals more closely. The flower images are wonderful!

Red Rose Alley said...

It looks like a wonderful day spent with your daughter, Marilyn. I just saw all my girls, so I spent the day with my son, which was also very nice. That purple flower with the yellow center is gorgeous. What a peaceful place this is to visit. That fairy made it all more special. And a special picture of you and your daughter to remember the day.

Isn't May simply the best?
