Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gift Giving

A favorite Shaker song, which I have framed on my wall in my office is Simple Gifts.  It was written
by Elder Joseph Brackett and is considered a dancing song.  I sometimes use the words dance, dance where
it says turn, turn.
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right
I love these words and the tune is lovely too.

Earlier this week someone sent me a list of gifts we could give for the upcoming
holiday season that support our local businesses.
I have given this a lot of thought and wanted to share some of the gift ideas here.
Here is my list for today, though more could be added to it as we go along.
Please leave comments on other ideas to be added to the list.

1. Gift baskets of locally grown produce
2. Make a gift that someone would love
3.  Support a local artist or musician by buying their art or music
4. Gift certificates:
hairdresser or barber
local restaurants
oil change at a locally owned shop
cleaning lady for a day
5. Your time to take someone shopping or serve a special meal
6. Tickets for the local car wash
7.  Tickets for a special event
8.  Books from a local author or purchased at a locally owned book store
9. Tickets to do yard work or mow someones lawn in the summer
10.  Driveway plowed on a snowy day
11.  Make a donation to a local charity in your friends name

OK, your turn.

Don't forget to leave a comment on Monday's give away too.
Maybe the winner could make tea cozies for gift giving.


La Tea Dah said...

Oh yes! Great list! It's the kind of Christmas that my mother always made for us when we were kids. A list like yours is so personalized and meaningful --- so much nicer than a generic gift.

La Tea Dah said...

My addition to the list is something I am preparing for my extended family as Christmas gifts this year. I made crockpot "green tomato" mincemeat this year and canned it. I will be decorating the jars with raffia and a pretty tag and will present the jars with several recipes (cookies, pie) that the mincemeat can be used for.

My mother-in-law would frequently give beautiful homecanned jars of fruit for Christmas. We always loved receiving them.

Laurie said...

Fantastic idea Marilyn, at Christmas, my son requests my homemade date filled oatmeal cookies, and a roll of summer sausage made at our local meat market. Along with some Pinconning cheese, picked up from Pinconning MI, it makes a great gift!

Steph said...

Dear Marilyn - What a great list. Thank you for sharing! I've begun a tradition with my niece where we make a donation to a charity of her choice. She's only 4, but I think it will help her see the beauty of giving.

Trixie and Dustin of said...

Thank you for getting us thinking... as you say, so many options when one stops to ponder. My neighbor fixed my water heater this week, silently and w/o any expectation of thanks... so I made him some of my special "Squirrel Food" (a nut and fruit mix) and put it into his RV because he's going on a trip tomorrow... one happy surprise for another!

Perhaps I know someone who would like me to bring them a tiny tea party? As you have so graciously done (only mine would be far simpler). Hmm.

Congratulations in advance to your lucky winner :-)
xo, Trixie

Ginger said...

What a great list. Thanks for sharing

Jeanne said...

Love and hugs and many blessings.
I love all you share.

Jeanne ^j^

Jeanie said...

This is a terrific list. While you touched on tickets to a special event, I'd add tickets to a local symphony, community theatre or performing arts concert, a membership or admission to a children's museum for a family, shopping for gifts at local museum shops that support the museum. Every year I make a chocolate chip cookie gift certificate for a friend -- so many batches, maybe once a month for six months, or something that fits. he doesn't bake and it gives me the chance to do it and get it out of the house instead of on me!

Tracy said...

Oh, I've always loved that Shaker song! :o) And your list for gift ideas is just perfect. I like the idea of bartering services among family, friends & others as gift--swapping batches of homemade soup for tax preparation, etc. We all have enough "stuff," don't we. ;o) Happy Weekend, Marilyn ((HUGS))

Angela McRae said...

I like this list and I *love* number 8 (ha!). But seriously, I like the thoughtfulness behind this list. One of the best gifts I ever got was a charity donation in my name. There's not much I truly need in life!

Dutchbaby said...

Thank you for posting the lyrics to this Amish song. I have always loved this song and simply didn't know enough of the lyrics to track it down. I will now look for a version to load on my iPod.

As for the Christmas list, I like choosing a calendar that I think the recipient will enjoy. It's a great gift for the person who has everything.