Friday, November 24, 2023

And Christmas Begins

 In the eyes of child wonder

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
But here we are running in place

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A child's eyes are bright and strong; they don't dull or dim
You might hear their quiet song if you stop and listen

There is a life of joy and wonder and grace
But here we are running in place
A life of joy and wonder takes patience, love, and care
It takes a long time, many years till we get there

But a life of joy and wonder is a precious thing I'm told...

Because a life of joy and wonder far surpasses the value of gold!

I couldn't find an author's name other than "Show you love" on a Poetry page.

The troll was recently done by Thomas Dambo and is the only one in Oregon.

I felt like I was a child beside this amazing troll set in the woods at Nordia House, Portland, Oregon. The troll called me to visit, but once I got there I wondered why I hadn't visited this lovely place before.

The story goes that the troll lifted the roof on the cottage to find sweets sitting on the table below.

You can see the perspective with a father and child standing inside the cottage. The troll is the only one in Oregon, but there are others in other parts of the country. He is made mostly from recycled material. You can find @thomasdambo on Instagram for more.

On the grounds of Nordia House there was this beautiful family home, picnic tables, a short hiking trail, other tiny cottages, and the main Nordia House with a gift shop, restaurant, and beautiful Christmas decorations.

Enjoy the decorations, I certainly did.

And we were greeted by this troll when stepping inside.

I hope you find a troll hiding somewhere in your Christmas season. 
May it greet you with a smile.

Welcome to the Christmas season.


Red Rose Alley said...

Those Trolls are a bit scary looking. The home is charming, and I enjoyed seeing all the Christmas decorations inside, especially those little gnomes. Enjoy this most wonderful time of year, Marilyn.


Jeanie said...

How fun is this! I love trolls and these are fantastic. Oh, what a charming place. I loved every single decoration -- this is so exactly what I love!

Lorrie said...

What a delightful place to visit. I always enjoy seeing how others decorate their homes. The troll peering in the window is so well done. Fun and wonder can be enjoyed at any age, and I mean to enjoy them for as long as possible!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog