Monday, November 6, 2023

Word Magic

 Time is the word for this week.


the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
"travel through space and time"
                A point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
Even the flowers captured for moments in these gorgeous globes will wilt;
but for a few moments they shine with beauty.


Jim Croce's song:

Time in a Bottle Lyrics

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I’ve looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I’ve looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I want to go through the time with


How do we capture time in a bottle? Often I put a flower in the bottle, but still it eventually wilts away. I walk by the water side and dream of the ebb and flow of time. It touches my soul and for moments I can pause time.

Have you noticed when little ones enter your life, watching them grow seems to speed up time?

And how are you adjusting to the time change? Did you feel more rested getting an extra hour to use as you choose?  When I retired I stopped setting the alarm on my clock and yet my body knows what time it is and when to wake. It is in the depths of our body rhythm. 

If wishes could come true, what time of life would you pause?

Time is a tricky thing. It really doesn't stop or pause, but sometimes it seems to fly and sometimes it goes so slow.

Treasure each moment and hold it dear to your heart, dear friends!


Lorrie said...

Time is a tricky thing, alright. Sometimes it goes so slowly, other times far too quickly. It takes some days to adjust to the time change - I feel like I start cooking dinner much too early because of the early darkness. I do like the light when I awaken in the morning, though. Love the song, Time in a Bottle.

Jeanie said...

Time is moving way too fast for me, thank you! Don't start me on the time change. I hate it, just hate it. It's 6 a.m.; I've been awake since before 5 and finally got up. Go through the day exhausted and can't seem to get righted. Going forward is easy. I don't get the "extra hour." It's still 24 hours and if you wake up early but poop out early, where's the gain?

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a good word for the week, Marilyn. I like that picture of the daisy in the bottle. I remember that song, Time In A Bottle. It's an old classic. Pretty glass ornaments, and I'm sure you know I love the red rose one. I think you're right, when you have little ones in your life, they grow so quickly. I remember Francesca just being born 6 years ago. Your post was an enchanting one to me, Marilyn. How delightful it was.


Linda P said...

I've adjusted to the time change that we experienced in the UK recently. The mornings are lighter and I continue to wake up around 7 a.m. It's cold now in these Winter months and the nights draw in. I make the most of daylight hours. Time in general is precious and I especially look forward to our time with friends and family.