Monday, November 20, 2023

Word Magic

 The word for this week is Thankful

definition: "What does it mean to be Thankful? The textbook definition is that “thankful” means being conscious of benefits received. The person receiving the benefits has an awareness of a beneficial gesture…and responds as such. Often, it's automatic, such as saying “thank you” when someone does something nice or helpful."

I just felt that for this week we needed to focus on being thankful. Yes, it is Thanksgiving here in the US this week, but for those anywhere in the world we need to be thankful. I know in some places and in some situations that is harder than ever to notice those thankful things and those thankful moments. So often I dwell and notice all the devastation and hurt in the world and I pray for a better world where there is love and kindness, an acceptance of peoples differences. Where we can show kindness to them anyway.

But for this week, let's notice and focus on being thankful.

I am thankful for a full cup of tea each morning and food on my plate and in my cupboard.

I am thankful for beauty surrounding me in my everyday life and having amazing gardens to visit nearby.


And places to visit when I travel that decorate my life and heart.



And little critters in my world that color my life. Hi, Joey!


And family! And friends too! And those yet to meet!

And my one and only grandson!

And a garden that colors my world.

Color and nature just sing to my soul. Yes, I am thankful even for the falling leaves.

When I call my pharmacy and must go through the phone tree to renew a prescription and confuse the robot person on the phone tree when I say "thank you". I keep doing it, though I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself from saying those words. Silly, I know.

So for the next 7 days let's notice what we notice and be thankful for the little things along with the bigger things too.

Sending love and best wishes to you this week.

My prayer for this week is the song "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." And in that peace may we be thankful. 

I am thankful for you,



Jeanie said...

Being thankful is a wonderful word -- and "thing" to be. I'm thankful for so many things. I love how beautifully you expressed your list! Thank you!

Lorrie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Marilyn. Being thankful is truly a wonderful way to live.


Thankfulness is a lovely word, and it is also a wonderful thing to be.

You are welcome to read my most recent post.