Thursday, January 11, 2024

Let's Pour the Tea

 I titled this post "Let's Pour the Tea" because I feel like when we sit in silence awhile over a warm cup of tea or coffee and meditate, it gives us time to consider all that we are grateful for. Let's sit together, wrap your cold hands around the cup of something warm, listen to the quietness surrounding you and be blessed with gratitude. I will be the "mum" and pour you a cuppa.

As I think of being grateful I came across a little book on my book shelf, A Year of Gratitude. It ended by listing things to be grateful for:

 "A warm bed, hot coffee (tea), blue skies, fresh fruit, morning walks, dreams to chase, problems to solve, a hug from a child, smiles in passing, an empty parking space, good news, a pat on the back, a second chance, grand intentions, great memories, loving friends, a crackling fire, a bowl of soup, a glorious sunset."

I would add the first snow of winter. It is so beautiful to sit with my warm cup of tea at the window and watch fluffy flakes fall from the clouds and lighten up my garden full of deteriorating brown leaves. The snow puts a blanket over the ground and for a little while the silences sings to my soul. 

The First Snow by Ethel Romig Fuller

The snow wipes out the writing of the year;

It's swift erasers softly, surely pass

Across the hieroglyphics of the grass

And clean the slate of summer, spear by spear.

Where was a tale of gardens there is now

A smudged and undecipherable scrawl;

And where illumined letter of fall,

A dim-inked outline of an austere bough.

The hills depicted on the sky are blurred

As blackboards hid behind a cloud of chalk,

And fast as feet of pigeons write a word

It is obliterated from the walk.

An ancient picture script alone remains-

A panorama etched on windowpanes.

Sit awhile on this cold wintery day and be bless with gratitude for those things around you. What would you add to the list of gratitudes?

 *The first picture was taken in my yard on a stump next to my tea plants. I sometimes pour tea there and read a poem for social media. The first three snowy pictures were taken last March on Mt. Hood and the last picture was from my garden last February. We are expecting a little snow in the next few days, but I am hoping for just enough to dream awhile and wrap my hand around a warm cup of something delicious.

 Happy weekend, dear ones!

Sending love, Marilyn


Lorrie said...

Sitting with my hands wrapped around a cup of tea while looking out the window is something I love to do, too. Alas, our hoped-for snow has not materialized at all, but we are in for a chilly few days. Good days for tea-drinking. The poem about snow erasing summer is lovely.

Jeanie said...

You have more snow than we do -- but I think we might catch up with you by tomorrow morning -- it's coming down pretty fast! So wrapping my hand around tea sounds like a lovely idea!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your snow pictures are beautiful, Marilyn. As I'm looking out the window right now, the white stuff is coming down, and we got a pretty good snow today. The last picture on here is magical. Enjoy your snow Marilyn! Have a peaceful weekend.
