Sunday, January 28, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” – Jackie Chan

It is amazing to me already this year that each week I notice kindness around me. When you watch the news, at least for me, I think the world has lost it's kindness.

I am sharing pictures of orchid's that bloomed not to long ago right in my living room. It was spectacular to see them all bloom at the same time. They brought a smile to my face. I hope they make you smile too.

Now back to kindness.

As I was beginning to think about kindness this very day a friend shared a story that happened to her this weekend. I am going to share a bit of that story now because it is exactly what I mean in sharing kindness.

Her neighbor in the apartment where she lives knocked on her door and with the translator on his phone asked if he could repair her car because part of the front was falling off. He spoke only Spanish and she spoke English; but the message got across that he wanted to do this for free. She agreed and later remembered that something else had been repaired recently without her knowing who did it. She realized it was this neighbor.  Her comment in relating the story was that she was so impressed by his "kindness" and she realized how special these people in her apartment building were "good people".

It's these little things that make our world a better place.

One of our neighbors came to our door this week and asked advise from my "live-in gardener" on something in his garden and then he asked if he needed anything at the store. Again, it is just watching out for each other and caring enough to share a little kindness.

 In sharing little kindnesses our hearts grow a little bigger and our smile a little brighter. 

My goal for this year it for each of us to notice and pass it on. Then yes, our world can grow a little kinder and healthier.

What kindness have you noticed this week?

Sending love,


PS: I am gone for a few days; so if your comment doesn't show up right away it will be there eventually. Off to celebrate my "live-in gardener" and his sisters birthdays because you know you are supposed to celebrate all month long. Glad my son can feed the cat and hold down the fort for a few days.


Terra said...

I like that you shared some incidents of kindness because they are all around us, a good antidote to the news. Your orchids are fabulous, I have some too.

Lorrie said...

Enjoy your time away celebrating! Noticing kindness opens our eyes to the reality that there are so many kind people doing kind things. I'd like to be one of them.

Jeanie said...

I love your examples of kindness. Sometimes I think we see what we look for and when you start to notice it is better than we all think. Have a wonderful time at the celebration!

Red Rose Alley said...

So glad to hear you are feeling kindness from others in the new year, Marilyn. Your orchids are beautiful. The color of the purple one is stunning. Happy Birthday to your loved ones. I wish there were more kind people in the world, and thank you for spreading kindness on your blog.
