Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lazy, Hazy Dayz of Summer

Summer is almost over, but I wonder what have you done with those "lazy, hazy dayz of summer"?

Dipping toes in the water of a pool or shore.

Walking down a sun lite dappled lane.

 Sitting by the shoreline to watch the sunset.


Letting peach or apple juice run down your arms as you savor.

Read a good beach book. I enjoyed The Women by Kristin Hannah

Listen to some mellow, slow jazz.

Walk with a friend.

Have dinner out side under the moonlight.

What did you do?

Sending love,


1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I walked on a few beaches, star-gazed beside a lake, hiked some beautiful trails, and worked in my garden. Time with family, time with friends. It's good to look back a little and see what I did with summer. It's such a short season.