Thursday, April 4, 2024

Easter Tea Time

 This year's Easter tea time had eight dear ones sitting around the table.

My daughter always works Sunday's; so her ex-husband brings my grandson for an egg hunt and tea time. I treasure this time and so glad to have a good relationship with the ex-son-in-law. Each week when my D is at his dad's house, his dad sends me a picture or two. It is so special. So back to Easter tea time.

I love having flowers on the table, a flowered teapot and china too.

One of the teacups from my grandfather's china. I have always loved the daisy and violet pattern.

 And then food was ready.

A friend that joins the Easter teatime makes the best salads; so she always brings a salad. What a treat. Then because one friend is now gluten free, some of my food offerings took that into mind. Tea parties can be so full of gluten. It used to be a huge challenge for me to adapt, but now I have gotten better adjusted to doing so.

We had deviled eggs, cucumber scooped out and filled with shrimp salad, black olive sandwiches, turkey with lingonberry jam sandwiches, and skewers with salami, mozzerella balls, and cantaloupe. Then for sweets there was almond butter truffles (gluten free), dates stuffed with pecans, and carrot cupcakes with an icing nest and topped with a chocolate Easter egg.

Then to top it off, my ex-son-in-law made a gluten free almond cake.

I served two teas, the first was called Secret Garden High Mountain Oolong from Taiwan and the other was a Vintage Puerh Black from China.

And of course there was an egg hunt in the yard for one special grandson. I was so thankful for a sunshiny day. For the egg hunt I place special treats in plastic eggs around the yard. Because his mom doesn't want him to have much candy I only fill part of them with chocolate eggs, then I look for other treats for some of the eggs. Usually there is a special pair of socks, coins, and this year some un-popped red popcorn in a small package.

 It was a special day with dear ones and friends.

After work my daughter stopped by for hugs and some left over treats.

That all made for a perfect day.

 Hoping your Easter weekend was extra special.

Sending love, Marilyn


Lorrie said...

You made such a special Easter tea. I find all the carbs a bit problematic for teas, too. You've given me some good ideas.
Your table is so pretty. The green glassware looks so fresh and springlike, and your grandfather's china is beautiful.
It's fun having an egg hunt with grands - just as much fun planning as being the one hunting!

Linda P said...

Your Easter afternoon tea looks delicious. The glassware and china are very pretty. The occasion was special. I'm sure your guests had a happy time and your grandson must have enjoyed hunting for treats.

Jeanie said...

You must have used BIG eggs! When we finally have our egg hunt (hopefully soon) we use Goldfish, mini-Oreos, and coins. This year we're going to try pennies that they can keep or "cash in" for chocolate since by the time we get to the hunt it will be too warm to leave eggs outdoors. (We learned that the hard way last year.) And maybe a few "special" eggs!

Rosemary said...

Your tea time Easter table was beautiful, and the foods bountiful. What special memories your are creating for all those gathered around the table. It is a beautiful time for rejoicing.
Yes, I agree that preparing gluten free food has become less anxiety causing, and a much easier feat to accomplish. Now that many ingredients are labeled GF, and perhaps because I have prepared more over time, I am less intimidated by this dietary request. Now the new challenge has become vegan requests!