Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Rose

" The rose is known as “the queen of flowers,” and much of the rose's symbolism reflects its regal title. Roses symbolize love, royalty, beauty, sensuality, secrecy, and mysticism. They are also associated with achievement and perfection."

Peninsula Park is about a 5 minute drive from my house. Right now the rose garden is in full bloom; so one morning this past week I had to take a walk among the roses. I wasn't the only one enjoying the morning in the roses. There were many volunteers working to deadhead the roses, but there were also many people just out enjoying the morning air and fragrance.

It was a beautiful morning.

Hoping you are having opportunity to smell the roses in your part of the world.

I will be away for a few days and will be back in one week. My computer is going to the hospital for a check up and cleaning while I am away. Hoping they don't find anything serious, but it just needs to be cleaned and upgraded a bit. It serves me well and I would miss it.

In the meantime, dance in the moonlight and savor the sultry days of summer. 

Happy Summer Solstice!

Sending love, Marilyn


Jeanie said...

The fragrance had to absolutely blow you over. How very beautiful!

Red Rose Alley said...

Well, you know how much I would love to visit this garden. The rose is my all-time favorite. There's just nothing like it. What a lovely walk you took among the roses, Marilyn. I hope you get your computer back soon and running well.
