Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tea Time on the Road

 I am so slow at posting my adventure recently.

My "live-in gardener" and I were celebrating our anniversary.

We left Portland and drove about 4 hours south where our first stop was to have afternoon tea at Teapot on Wheels in Gold Hill, Oregon. It is a little town along the I-5 highway, tucked next to a lovely winding river, Rogue River. Whenever we are headed south we try to make reservations here for tea. They do such a lovely teatime and the perfect place for a break in the drive.

Sorry I didn't take a picture, but just outside there was a wedding taking place overlooking the river. It was fun to see the absolute glee of the groom as the bride walked through the rose arbor and came into view.

We started with a pasta salad.

I sipped a black current tea that I always enjoy when in a tearoom like this.

Then there was a tier of goodies that included sandwiches: strawberry and cream, egg, cucumber, plus a lovely little quiche.


Scones with lemon curd, jam, and cream came next.

Sweets were a moist cake with dried flower petals, chocolate moose, strawberry, and shortbread cookie. Some of these treats traveled down the road with us for breakfast the next morning.

And of course since the Queen was nearby I had to have my picture taken with her.

It was a lovely way to start our celebration.
Once we arrived at our Air B&B in Jacksonville, Oregon that evening we had another lovely meal of celebration. Our daughter gave us a gift certificate for dinner.
What a way to begin a little mini-vacation. It was 4 days of good food and music. More to share another day.
Sending love,

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy 4th of July!


Time seems to fly by so quickly I often miss sending best wishes to you.

May you have a 4th of July full of Joy with dear ones close by. Enjoy the day, be safe, and eat well.

I will spend the day with barbecue and deviled eggs and dear ones sitting at my table.

Happy 4th of July!

May Freedom Reign!

Sending love,


Monday, July 1, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy


 Be Loving

and if you don't

feel loving,

be kind.

Kindness is Simply


in her daily clothes.

Alexandra K. Trenfor


Sending love to each of you.

I am back home, but still catching up.

I am in my "daily clothes" and struggling to wake up from my little adventure. I will share more soon.

