Saturday, July 27, 2024

This Week

Once a week I plan an adventure because if I don't my "live-in gardener"  and I get caught up with what needs to be done around the house and life becomes rather boring. Adventures are what make me happy. So last week I found a tearoom I hadn't been to and off we went. I had a bag of left over magazines from the tea festival to give them for their customers. So we had a treat of some yummy tea food and they got magazines.

And then on the home front I am diligently watching for ripe plums. Not quite ripe, but I am beginning to see a few with a purple blush appearing. I am so excited for fresh plums, my dehydrator is waiting in anticipation. 
And then, each summer I plan a special adventure for my grandson. Yesterday was the day!!
It was a Big Foot Excursion on a jet boat starting in downtown Portland, going along the Willamette River, then joining the Columbia River and east to Multnomah Falls. It was rather cold when we started, but as the day went along it became quite pleasant.

It is fun to play tourist for a few hours in our own city and to see the city and surroundings from a different view. There is a lot more shipping going on then I realized. This boat with the red cross is a floating Naval hospital. It is in dry dock being cleaned and serviced.

Here are some larger tour boats in downtown Portland. The bridge above is a walking bridge and for mass transit, but not for cars.

 I have seen Love along the river, but never at this angle.

And under a bridge we went. I think we went under about 10 bridges.

Another tour boat on the river. This one is often used for special events and weddings.

One of the docks we rode past with a restaurant that our tour guide recommended. The Columbia River actually divides Washington and Oregon states; so this was on the Washington side of the river. I will be checking the restaurant soon.
There was a lot of activity on the river.
Beautiful views everywhere too.
Not a great picture, but the mound on the top is called Crown Point. There are beautiful views from there, but rather windy standing out on that point.

All along the way we heard stories of Big Foot. Do you believe in them? After listening to stories for 3 hours I think there must be something to it. Hummmm?
And then we arrived at the half way point of the tour, Multnomah Falls. It was fun to see it from the river.

I would love living here and watching the river flow by each day.
All the large rocks and boulders have been formed from volcano eruptions in the past. In fact, the Columbia River was formed by volcanic flows through this gorge.
Here is another home tucked in the trees. I can dream, can't I?
A tug boat! Many years ago we had a friend that had stories of being the cook on such a tug boat. Up and down the river they go, usually pushing a barge.
I think my "live-in gardener" enjoyed the adventure.
Back in Portland. I could also imagine living here to watch the river's flow.
And under the bridges again.
And past downtown Portland.

My daughter holding the mold of Big Foots foot.

My grandson measuring his hand against a mold of Big Foot's hand.

 And home again to watch the Olympics.
Are you watching?
Wasn't the opening ceremony wonderful?
Have a terrific weekend, dear friends.
Sending love,

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

What a great idea -- planning a regular adventure. And you knocked yourself out with this one. The scenery is fantastic and it looks like the perfect day to really explore. All look like they're having such fun. This was truly a brilliant (and memorable) idea!