Monday, August 5, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

Wow! The day is almost over and I realized I missed my Monday words of kindness and joy. Some days just fly by and my mind is focused somewhere else. Can you believe it, but I was working on ideas for the tea festival in 2025. I am already excited for drinking tea in the tent with attendees and there is still over 11 months to go. A lot needs to happen along the way, well after all there is still an election coming, then Christmas and more adventures too. There are more opportunities just to think about being kind. More smiles and kind words and maybe a little laughter along the way.


"You don't have to understand people's experiences to be kind. 

Kindness doesn't require logic, it requires grace."  

The Multiple Mom

 The two pictures of me with others was tea time in my gardenhouse last week. The young woman was Lily and the top picture was with Lily's mom. If you have followed me for a long time I had a Christmas tea for Lily and her family every year starting from the time she was 4 years old. I hadn't seen Lily since she graduated from high school and now she is a nurse. It was so special to see Lily and her mom.

Each person's experiences of kindness may be different, but none is less wonderful than just that of sharing a word or smile, helping someone that needs a little help along the way, or just saying "hey, let's take a break and maybe have a cup of tea"!  It was wonderful to have a cup of tea with Lily and her mom a few days ago.

Sending love,



Jeanie said...

What wonderful photos and memories, Marilyn. I don't think you'll ever retire from the tea fest! Yes, a VERY full year to come.

Red Rose Alley said...

You have set a nice tea party for your friends, Marilyn. Your green glasses are stunning, and I think I am drawn to them every time because my birthstone is emerald. So nice that you are coming up with creative ideas for the tea festival next year. Kindness is so important.....thank you for the gentle reminder.
