Monday, August 12, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 A Kind Reminder: Ocean waves flowing to shore are the way the moon sends warm embraces to the earth. So too, distance is relative, and care can bridge perceived chasms within. Likewise, should we care for ourselves and others who need a kind reminder that they are not forgotten. Shiloh Gastello

On Saturday my dear Joey for Joy left me for heaven.

It was a very hard decision. After talking to him earlier in the week he told me it was time. He refused to eat. I even tried force feeding him and he spit it out. He was my companion for 15 years and is missed dearly.

I didn't realize how much he was my companion cat and most often nearby. When I would have my breakfast he was always right under the table. He often laid on the baby quilt behind me when I was on the computer.

And sometimes he was right by my feet.

He was always curious to see what I was doing.

This picture is rare since most often he wouldn't look at me when I wanted to take a picture.

 He was a quiet cat, but loyal.

My Marmalade Cat.

I think he was rather smart too; but maybe that was the mom in me. When I was sitting and said "jump" he knew it was time to jump into my lap. When I said "eat" he knew it was time to eat. And when I said "nite,nite" he knew it was time to curl up on his blanket.

Joey was named Joey for Joy because he was my Joy.

He will be missed.

Sending love,



Red Rose Alley said...

Marilyn, I'm so sorry to hear your beloved Joey passed away. Pets soon become part of our family, and this was a special name you gave him. I love all the photos you shared today, especially the one where he's looking straight ahead. How cozy that he would lay on the quilt right beside you when you were on the computer. I'm sure he felt close to you in that space.

Sending you thoughts of comfort and love this Monday afternoon, Marilyn.


busybusybeejay said...

So sorry to hear this.Barbarax

Jeanie said...

My heart is broken for you, Marilyn. When I first heard, I couldn't believe it -- he has been such a huge part of you for most of the years I've "known" you. I remember when he was new to you. I love his marmalade color -- you know how much he always reminded me of Gypsy and as long as I knew Joey was there, I knew someone was having a very loving companion at their side because he was much like my Marmy Boy. I love that he was your constant companion and I know you feel the loss deeply. I join you in that and send many wishes for healing. (It takes a very long time, my friend. Talk to me if you need to.)

Mary said...

I'm saddened sweet Joey has gone - but happy to know he enjoyed 15 wonderful years in your loving, comfy home.
Your photos are so sweet Marilyn, he was a handsome boy.
Hugs, Mary xx

Rosemary said...

Joey was loved by so many as you shared him with us, wearing hats or not, he wiggled into our hearts. Sending you long distance hugs as you adjust to the loss of your companion.