Friday, February 1, 2019

Old Barn Love

Painting by Georgia O'Keefe
Somewhere in the Southwest
You probably don't know that I have old barn love.
When I see an old barn along the road I try to scream "stop"
to my driver, as I need, I must snap a picture and savor for a few moments.
It doesn't always work to be able to stop, but the ones here worked.
There was a place along the road to stop and snap away.
I was walking behind my "niece" on her property when I snapped the one above.
It is an old hops barn that she is hoping to revive and rent out for weddings.
I think she has barn love too.
This one was a quick stop on Whidbey Island.
I love seeing nature growing up to capture these old barns.
This was a quick snap as my "driver" drove by.
These were found on the island too.
Now the one right below I saw every time I drove south of Portland.
One day I pulled off the freeway and got up close and snapped a picture.
For some reason I felt like it was haunted, there was just something about it.
I am so glad I captured the picture because now it is gone.
The barn below was a quick snap from the car in Idaho.
And this final barn was found recently while bird watching on Sauvie Island.
I loved old barns even as a child.
When I would visit my uncle I would hang out in his barn watching him milk cows
or climbing on hay bales. 
There would be treasures to find there, memories are treasures.
Old barns just delight my heart.

Do not let a flattering woman coax and wheedle you and deceive you; she is after your barn. Hesiod
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Do not let a flattering woman coax and wheedle you and deceive you; she is after your barn. Hesiod
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Do not let a flattering woman coax and wheedle you and deceive you; she is after your barn. Hesiod
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The Greek poet Hesiod once said: 
Do not let a flattering woman coax and
wheedle you and deceive you;
she is after your barn.
from Brainy Quotes
This just made me smile.

Do you like old barns?
Maybe it is time to go exploring?

Happy weekend, dear friends!
Hoping to go out exploring this weekend.


Jeanie said...

Oh, these are wonderful. Yes, there IS something about old barns, isn't there? They seem to tell their own story and all the stories are different. That certainly holds true here.

Joy said...

I enjoyed your photos and I love that quote!

Lorrie said...

When we drive across the prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, I often see old barns silhouetted against the sky and I wonder about them - where are the houses where the owners lived? Why are the barns seemingly abandoned? And I take photos, too, often from a moving vehicle, but sometimes we stop. What a great idea of your niece to revive the old barn for a wedding venue. Happy Explorations!

mamasmercantile said...

A great quote and beautiful photos. I love the idea of renovating an old barn for a wedding venue, what fun that would be.

Rosemary said...

Wouldn't you just love to know the story of those old barns? PA countryside is dotted with old farm houses and barns, many dilapidated and abandoned. I always wonder who lived in them, and why they are no longer loved.