Friday, July 7, 2023

A Few of My Favorite Things

Today I am celebrating the little things in recent days.

The flower is new to my garden. It is Society Garlic, which is supposed to be good to flavor salads and soups. I am thinking of trying to make a pesto for pasta with some of the leaves. I nibbled on a leaf this morning and it is quite garlicky and delicious.

This is the view from my office door this very morning. There must have been about 7 squirrels playing in the early morning hour right there. It was quite fun to watch. The morning was a little cooler and it must have given some energy, I know it sure helped me.

Yesterday I served tea to some of my volunteers for the upcoming Portland Tea Festival. Since one of my volunteers is gluten free and egg free I decided to challenge myself to do a tea time that she could also enjoy. Quite often I find someone that would like to come for tea that has those dietary restrictions; so I am learning. Tea food tends to be full of gluten and eggs; it was a fun challenge. We have cucumbers with a cream cheese mixture and cherry tomato on top, Coronation chicken sandwiches with gluten free bread (sprinkled with marigold petals), Shrimp salad, a tray with salami, cheese, dates and gluten free crackers, and chocolate dipped strawberries. The tea we sipped was a first flush 2023 Darjeeling.

Most Wednesdays this summer I am getting to spend with my grandson because his mother is working that day. I love it. This week we went miniature golfing, which I hadn't done for at least 25 years. At the end of the game I told my grandson we were all winners because we all had fun. He liked that and so did I. I actually think it would have been fun to not keep score. I won't say who had the best score because it was all about the fun.

Recently our Lan Su Chinese Gardens celebrated Rose Festival with a Dragon boat celebration. Of course I had to stop by to see the decorations.

Some mornings you will just find me sitting here with my tea right now. The garden is so peaceful early in the morning. I love it.

 And last but not necessarily least, Happy World Chocolate Day! I do love a good piece of chocolate now and then. So thankful that next week one of my favorite chocolate shops is donating fine pieces of chocolate to 25 of my attendees in the British Tea Tent and TeaFestPDX. Wishing you all were in the Portland area so you could come and enjoy the tea festival on July 15th at the World Forestry Center. It is always a special event and close to my heart. Celebrate today with a good cup of tea and a piece of fine chocolate.

Happy Weekend, dear friends!


Red Rose Alley said...

Seven squirrels in the back yard, oh my! I am wondering what they would do if you went out there, scurry off or hang around? As you know, I don't like the squirrels, but I enjoy taking pics of them. Your tea table is so lovely with all the greens. And all the goodies sound wonderful. The decorations at the Chinese Gardens are something else. And I know how much your grandson makes your heart happy.

Have a relaxing weekend, Marilyn.


Linda P said...

You've shared a lovely blog post Marilyn. I'm so glad you're spending the day each week with your grandson. It helps your daughter, who's an inspiration herself, to know you are having fun and your grandson is being well looked after. I can relate to your times spent in the garden early in the morning as I do the same. I've enjoyed seeing your teatime spread for your friends who help at the festival that's happening soon and the Rose Festival scenes are wonderful. I wish you are yours a wonderful weekend.

Mary said...

That was a fun time by looks of it - playing miniature golf and visiting the lovely gardens.
You seem to have plenty of energy these days Marilyn - love hearing of of you get up to!