Friday, July 28, 2023

Western Wild Flowers, A Treasure


This week I was playing in the garden. I wanted to "stage" a floral tea scene in my garden to share on Instagram. My go-to flower book is Western Wild Flowers by Margaret Armstrong, dated 1915, which I found in an antique shop several years ago. It is a real treasure and I refer to it often. I had to include it in a picture with flowers; so you will see it here in my garden enjoying a quiet moment with a cup of tea.

Most often I refer to the book to find wild flower picture ideas for my teabag art cards.

Here is a sample page inside the book. Sometimes there are colored pictures, but most often just black and white drawings.

Roy Berglund signed it in the back and his address is not far from where I live now.

If you look closely to the flower on the left in this picture you will see where the library once had it on it's shelves.


It is a treasure indeed.

Do you have a book that you treasure?

Have a terrific weekend, dear friends!


Laura said...

i love your tea table. that book is a treasure!
have a great weekend
love & magicks

Linda P said...

I often find second hand books in charity shops. Yours is useful and one to treasure. Your table setting is beautiful and the inclusion of the book gives a sense of your interest in gardening and old books.

Red Rose Alley said...

Marilyn, that is the loveliest table set for tea. I love everything about it - the flowers, that gorgeous tea pot, the special book, and those green glasses get me every time. They are so pretty. I'm not on instagram, so I'm glad that you shared it here with us. I'd have to say that the book I treasure most would be my journal, which I write in from time to time. Our journals are a piece of our hearts.


Jeanie said...

That book is definitely a treasure. I love the illustrations -- I'm not surprised they inspire you for your own art. And what a beautiful table!