Friday, February 2, 2024

Troll Scavenger Hunt

 Thomas Dambo is a creative troll builder that I have become intrigued by. 

I knew there was one troll named Ole Boele in Portland. I believe I shared him before. He is located at the Nordia House on the grounds. I saw him before Christmas and recently returned to share the charm with my cousin and his wife. When I was there a woman said "this is my final one to find in the Pacific Northwest". What a fun thing to do I thought. So I went on the website and realized they just give hints where the six are located and you have to figure the location out. I love a scavenger hunt; so I was up for the challenge.

Ole Boele is looking in the roof at a plate of pastries. What a sweet face.


Well this week my live-in gardener and I were driving 4 hours north to visit my sister-in-law. I went online to see if there might be a troll near her. I knew there were 5 in the Seattle area. I found one on Bainbridge Island and knew it would be a fun outing to take her along with me. We found Pia the Peacemaker in a park on the island.

You can see the size as I stand in Pia's hand. OK, now I am obsessed to find them all! Ha!

They are made out of recycled material, mostly old pallets.

Then on our way home yesterday we made a side trip to Vashon Island where we found Oskar, the Bird Kind. Beside the bird houses in his crown there were bird house all around the grounds surrounding him. The toenails were seashells.

One pole with birdhouses. Each of the trolls in the three locations I have found had the poles with birdhouses.

I thoroughly feel like a child of wonder when standing in their midst. Each one has made me smile.

Now I have three more to find and in September I will do that. I know where they are and I am coming for them.

If you search online you will find they are in other parts of the country too. A friend in Maine said there was one near her. I have heard there is one in Michigan too. The search is part of the fun and who doesn't need a bit of whimsy in their life. 

 Have a terrific weekend, dear friends!

Sending love, Marilyn


Terra said...

These trolls are amazing art, thank you for sharing the photos. They look friendly, I like Oskar with his crown of bird houses. I have learned something new from you today.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I think I will have to go and see Ole Boele in Portland this weekend. They must be just fabulous in person!

Anonymous said...

I'm an American who has recently moved outside of Perth, Western Australia, and there are some Thomas Danbo sculptures here as well ('The Giants')!
Imagine my delight when reading your blog to find we are connected no matter where we are in this wonderful, whimsical way. Thank you Marilyn. Judy in Australia 🇦🇺

Jeanie said...

These are unbelievable. I wonder where the one in Michigan is -- I might have to dig a bit. What a cool thing to see!

Rosemary said...

What fun to be on a scavenger hunt to discover the trolls in your area. They are simply amazing! What an artistic and clever mind to create these majestic and playful trolls. We visited the Coastal Botanic Gardens in Maine in the summer of '21 to discover hidden trolls throughout the woods of the gardens. Such fun!

Red Rose Alley said...

These Trolls made out of recycled material are just amazing. The birdhouse pole is delightful too.
