Friday, July 27, 2012

Just Because

Just because, I forgot to blog this morning.
My mind was in another place.
Here are some photos taken this week to share,
Just because.
Do enjoy!
Do dance with the flowers!
Play in the sunshine, Just because.
Have a delightful weekend, just because it is the thing to do.


Chris Graham said...

Just Because...
What a beautiful phrase- your pictures are lovely.

beth said...

happy weekend marilyn !!!

Linda Jennings said...


Laurie said...

You have a delightful weekend also Marilyn, just because!

koralee said...

Happy your photos today....xoxoxo

Traveling Bells said...

Beautiful flowers...

Rosemary said...

what a lovely floral bouquet... just because!

Anonymous said...

I love your photo collages, Marilyn. Beautiful!

Mary said...

Hope it's been a wonderful weekend dear.
We lost our power in a horrendous storm last evening - no Olympics watched - and I was in bed early reading with my book light! Came back on early this morning thankfully.

I'm drinking a new (to me) tea these hot afternoons - but of course hot, don't care for iced tea.

Creation Thes CG (Montreal) LIMONCELLO (black tea with Italian mild lemon). It's really nice, just lemony enough!

Hugs - Mary

Tracy said...

Thank you for all the pretty HAPPY, Marilyn! We finally had some sunshine and warm days at the weekend--so it was long walks, tea on the deck and slow hours to enjoy... BLISS! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Angela McRae said...

I always enjoy your nature photography, Marilyn!

Jeanie said...

I'm so behind visiting -- look at all these posts! All beautiful like this one!