Monday, July 30, 2012

One Word



Anonymous said...

yes indeed!

Joy said...

Another good word! I hope you have a wonderful week. Hugs!

Annie Jeffries said...

'Nuff said. :-)

Mary said...

I want some of those oversized shabby white letters - they are gorgeous! DREAM, definitely - then sleep.


Rosemary said...

One of my favorite songs is 'the impossible dream'... and the words are tacked on my bulletin board here at my desk, and also framed and upstairs, my mother inscribed many of her books to me with 'follow your dreams'... and today I wore a small trinket that also says 'follow your dreams'... it is important to dream, and dream big! Why not!?

La Tea Dah said...

Very nice photo! I love the organized chaos of it all. Great shot (and nice thought).

Linda P said...

Nice shot! A good word!

Angela McRae said...

Love this photo and thought!

Jeanie said...

Love those letters -- and the word -- and what it stands for! Nice shot!