Friday, February 8, 2013

Everyday Blessings


“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness -- just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder
          My common, everyday blessing today is just noticing the beauty around me.        For the lovers of teapot china, the teapot was a gift in 1995 by my husband from      Victoria Magazine, Welbeck - Royal Winton.
What are you noticing today? 


La Tea Dah said...

Lovely post --- beautiful, beautiful teapot with such sweet sentiments attached --- and the flowers are simply delightful!

Today --- I am noticing bright sunshine and blue skies. For some that might seem mundane, but since we haven't seen sunshine much at all for the past few months, it is especially welcome.

Time Traveling in Costume said...

How pretty! I have the same teapot but in the black color background. Now they're too pricey to buy more.

Jeanie said...

Your little chintz pot is so pretty! Just makes me smile all over!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I love this quote from LIW, and your teapot is so pretty! I was just out shoveling during the first round of the blizzard that's hitting us here on the East Coast, and I couldn't help but look up into the trees and be thankful, as the snow fell all around me, that I live in such a beautiful place. xo Gigi

S. Etole said...

Enjoying a blue sky here as more snow is predicted for the weekend.

Painting the hamptons said...


Relyn Lawson said...

When I saw this image I gasped. I thought to myself, "Oh, gosh. She has the teapot I fell in love with in Victoria magazine years ago." Then I read your small print. Such synchronicity.

Laurie said...

I love Laura Ingalls Wilder. And the tea pot! Today I'm noticing snow. Lots and lots of snow! But it is really quite pretty.

Linda P said...

I'm noticing the sunrise and hoping it will be another day of dry weather with some sunny moments.
The teapot is lovely and the quote is a good one. Happy day, dear blog friend!

Bernideen said...

That was truly the most wonderful chintz teapot - the Victoria Magazine one - beautiful!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love that quote by LIW! Her birthday was last week. the Welbeck chintz teapot from your husband is really lovely. The square shape adds formality.

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Such a pretty teapot and how wonderful of hubby to buy it for you! Love the quotes! I am your newest follower and will be back to see your previous posts soon!

Rosemary said...

Beautiful post... lovely composition... am noticing the many blessings of family.

Angela McRae said...

I have that same teapot and absolutely adore it! Probably my all-time favorite, and I'm happy to know we share a love for it!

Pearl Maple said...

That is a beautiful post and thought, funny I was thinking of using the same quote for my theme this week.

somepinkflowers said...

{{{ aaaahhhh ...
thank you for this, dear:

"""... They are the things
that fill our lives with comfort
and our hearts with gladness.""" }}}

today i am noticing
how wonderful
the world
Right Where
i am ...