Monday, May 6, 2019

Garden Quotes 2019

More than half a century has passed,
and yet each spring,
when I wander into the primrose wood
and see the pale yellow blooms
and smell their sweetest of scents...
for a moment I am
seven years old again and
wandering in the fragrant wood.
~Gertrude Jekyll

Yellow blooms earlier this spring coming up through the snow
delighted my heart.
Now primrose sit in one corner of the garden,
not always noticed but sitting there in quiet repose.
Happy Springtime, dear friends!


Jeanie said...

I think I need to plant the primroses I bought at the market for inside outdoors this spring when I put in other things. This is lovely. Thanks for the idea!

Red Rose Alley said...

Flowers are, indeed, the magic of our lives. I was at a restaurant yesterday and smelled the strong scent of the gardenia bush before entering. I loved it. : )


Sandi said...

I like how they are breaking through the snow!

Tracy said...

Oh, primroses are sooo lovely! We had some, but neighborhood cats have slept upon them in the flower beds, so they died out. Must try again next year... haha! ;) Happy Week, Marilyn ((HUGS))

Angela McRae said...

Primroses! I've only ever seen those in pots, and for some reason, I thought they only came in pink. Lovely!