Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chinese New Year

January 26th - Happy Chinese New Year!

Celebrate by having a cup of tea and sharing with a friend or two.

Red is one of my favorite colors and I think it is

so appropriate for celebrating the New Year.

What tea will be in your teacup today?
Mine will be a lovely, floral Honorable Mention Baozhong from


Steph said...

And the same for you!

La Tea Dah said...

Beautiful tea table.

The tea in my cup is my latest 'kick' --- a simple cuppa of Tazo Awake --- fast and easy with all the disarray of my now being remodeled kitchen.

:) LaTeaDah

Annie Jeffries said...

Such a pretty setting Marilyn. A friend from Taiwan was so happy it was new years. She loved sharing her celebration traditions with me yesterday.

La Tea Dah said...

Wishing you a happy day! And wondering if you took this awesome photo. Would enjoy the details!
