Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monochromatic Day

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Have you ever had a monochromatic day?
Last week I had such a day.
At the end of the day I said it felt like there hadn't been any color in my day and if felt sort of depressing. It was like holding my breath for the day and hoping the color would return. I wondered what to do when we have a day such as that. Today I was reading about finding happiness inside ones self. Do I stop, take a deep breathe, and sing a song that makes me happy? Do I stop and "smell the roses"? Most of all do I just stop and take note that the color has faded and acknowledge it? By acknowledging and noticing it I can turn my day back to color. I think the next monochromatic day, I will stop, pick out a colorful teacup from my shelf, and put something special into the cup and sip. A cookie would be nice too. I think I have a cookie in my freezer with a red cherry on top. Don't you think that would be the perfect addition to turn my day into color?


Laurie said...

Oh I know so well what you're speaking of. And this is the time of year I seem to have more days like that. Have your tea, I have a special one I like, in a beautiful tea cup. It makes you feel special, and yes it will bring back the color in your life. I think I will do the same.

Linda Jennings said...

I have experienced a few of those days recently! Interesting post!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine a day without colours. It would made me terrible sad.

Steph said...

I'm just learning how powerful and important color is to me, too!

Sharon67 said...

Marilyn -
I, too, have been feeling sort of "out of color". I was going to have coffee with my wonderful and beautiful daughter-in-law this morning and was fretting about what to wear as nothing seemed as bright as I wanted to be. After we had coffee and she went on her way, I went to the store and found a bright pink sweater (on sale!) and rather than worry about the brightness of it, I bought it and came home and put it on. It has certainly perked up my day. After such a white winter, (Eugene didn't get it anywhere near what you received) its time for color!
Have a crayon day!
Sharon in Eugene

Anonymous said...

Marilyn on days like that flowers cheer me up. I might put one in my hair, or near a precious photo of a loved one, or simply on the kitchen table.Also like Sharon67 I went on a shopping jaunt and bought some fuschia-pink lipstick -did the world of good.