Friday, March 18, 2011

A Bit of This and That

Every cup of tea is an imaginary trip.....Catherine Douzel
A dear friend often closes her notes with this quote.
The picture above sends me on an imaginary trip to Paris.

Today is my 699th post, so I am celebrating with a bit of "this and that".
For anyone leaving a comment today I will have a drawing and announce
the winner on Monday. my 700th post.
It definitely will be a bit of "this and that", but it will include a notecard
with a picture of lilacs, two recipe cards with family recipes never given
out until this past month, some tea, a postcard from France, and
maybe some other surprises.  So come along and leave your
comments and if you aren't a follower, please join in the fun.


Travel France Online said...

You mean afternoon tea at Laduree's?

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted a bit of 'this and that'. Congratulations on 700 posts. And I've enjoyed and learned from each one of them.

Sheila said...

Lovely picture, I especially like the blue glass vase.
What better way to escape than with a cup of tea.
This morning I had Earl Grey.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Your 700th post!! That is quite an accomplishment. A lot of tea has been poured during this time. Best wishes on the next 100+

Angela McRae said...

Congratulations on arriving at a blogging milestone, and thank you for all the tea and friendship you've provided us along the way!

Joy said...

What a lovely picture! I've never been to France but it makes me want to go brew a pot of tea anyway. Congratulations on your blogging milestone!

Kathy Walker said...

Love your vintage tablecloth! I have some like it in the linen closet. Isn't an afternoon tea relaxing? You are can travel to unknown places...

amherstrose said...

Hi Marilyn,

Macarons in Paris! Yes that would be a wonderful trip.
Congratulations on your 700th post and thank you for sharing your joy with us.

Sending you a hug, dear friend.

Mary Jane

Rosemary said...

Love those voyages! Congrats on your 700th! That's an accomplishment and dedication!

Linda Jennings said...

Congratulations on your 700th post. Yummm... macarons!! As always, Marilyn, your photography is outstanding!!!

Ginger said...

Congratulations on your 700th post!

ginger c at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Kudos on posting to the 700s! May the tea keep flowing and warm your days.

belinda in SC said...

Yummy Paris Tea picture

La Tea Dah said...

Knowing your friend who ends every message with that comment makes this post even more special!

Congratulations on your 700th post!


Jeanne said...

I love your quote on tea and thee.
Congratualations on your 699th post.
Love you

Jeanie said...

First of all, Marilyn, congratulations! It is a great accomplishment to post this often -- and your posts never disappoint, which is amazing in itself.

(Are those REAL French maccaroons in your photo? Do you have a recipe?)

somepinkflowers said...

dear missy T,
for posting #700
and so on
2 come.
i am glad there is U.


{{ BTW
~~this & that~~
is my middle name!
enter me pleeeze
in your celebratory event
as today
is the first day of spring
we are all winners
don't you think? }}

Anonymous said...

WOW congratulations on your 700th post... Yay! I remember when you started this blog, oh how they grow... ;-D

I love the colors and composition on this photo. You've got such an eye for these things.

Joyce said...

Amazing....that is alot of "writing."
The photo has some very pretty colors..and I love the look of those cookies. You know, I can't say I've ever eaten any like them before. Seen them..not eaten them.
My favorite thing is the look of the flowers in the vase. So Springy!

christina said...

i sipped a cup just this morning. hearing the rain made the moment beautiful.

koralee said...

Love this image...I could sure go for one of those lovelies right now.
Congratulations on 699 posts! WOW! xoxoxo

Tracy said...

VERY happy to join you in an imaginary trip to Paris, Marilyn! :o) And Happy 700...look forward to 100s more! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Elizabeth said...

Those macarons look delicious. Congratulations on reaching this milestone - and all the cups of tea that inspired every post.