Monday, March 21, 2011

Spirit Whispers

Some of us need to discover that we will not
begin to live more fully until we have the
courage to do and see and taste and experience
much less than usual.....
There are times, then, when in order to keep
ourselves in existence at all we simply have to sit
back for a while and do nothing.
And for a (wo)man who has let her/himself be drawn
completely out of her/himself by her/his activity,
nothing is more difficult than to sit still and rest,
doing nothing at all.
The very act of resting is the hardest and most
courageous act she/he can perform.
~Thomas Merton


In Celebration of 700 posts, the winner of my "this and that" give away is:  Joy
Joy please email me with your address and your gift will be on it's way.  My email is in My Profile location.


Kathy Walker said...

I so agree with Merton....I find it extremely difficult to sit still. I must be doing something...always. Handwork helps me to stay in one place!

Rosemary said...

I cherish those moments when I can simply do nothing.

~Sheila~ said...

Congratulations to your winner.
I don't find it hard to do nothing, in fact I have become a little too good at it lately..!

Joy said...

Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much, I have emailed you my info, but wanted to thank you on the blog, too. Congratulations on your 700th post! And what an insightful quote from Thomas Merton. I have his prayer from "Thoughts in Solitude" that begins, "Dear Lord, I have no idea where I am going" posted above my desk, it is one of my very favorites.
Thank you again.

Angela McRae said...

Congratulations to you Marilyn, and congratulations to Joy! (Of course your winner would be named Joy! I love it!)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh, a Thomas Merton fan!! What an incredible thinker he was.
Your backyard is so beautiful and relaxing! And congratulations on reaching your 700th post!! WOW!

Sandy B said...

Lucky Joy! Glad you won.

Very nice blog...

Gill said...

Those words are so true. Doing nothing or little lays the foundations for the great things to come. All things ebb and flow, yes?
Having a tea right now and hoping you have a great upcoming trip to Thailand. I'll look forward to your pictures.

La Tea Dah said...

Very profound post --- excellent thoughts!

Annie Jeffries said...

Congrats to Joy!

I see that lavendar is blooming. Soon the tours will start. So nice to have winter officially behind us even if it IS still raining terribly.

Tracy said...

Thoman Merton... his wisdom has long been a spiritual comfort and guide for me. Congrats to Joy on the win... And thanks for the fun, Marilyn :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Dutchbaby said...

This advice would be very difficult for me to follow, though I probably need to heed it more than anyone. I tried my level best to fall asleep all night last night but my mind kept racing with a thousand thoughts. I will take this poem and try to take a nap today. I will take this post as the Universe's way of giving me a message. Thank you.

Jeanne said...

How beautiful and lovely indeed.
Congratulations to Joy
Love and many blessings
Happy Spring

Love Jeanne

koralee said...

Hugs today my friend...I sooooo find it hard just to sit...but we all need to.

My spring break has just started and I have a million things to do. But I am off to visit my parents for a few days and it will be a time when I will JUST sit and visit. xoxoox hugs

Mary said...

Congrats. to Joy and also to you dear for all the lovely posts you've shared while blogging.

I believe that there is a plan for each of us and nothing we do can change what has been mapped out. All we can do is be the best person we know how to be. Some people will leave us, abuse us, stopping loving us even, but we must carry on, forge ahead, and do good, helping others along their way, and be satisfied in our hearts that we were a good person and did our very best for our fellow man.

Life is not easy, but the journey can be worthwhile if one has faith.

Hugs -Mary

Laurie said...

Sadly this quote is too true. If I am sitting with my thoughts it's hard not to feel guilty for ignoring the mundane chores that need done or the meal that needs prepared. I also need to not forget myself in day to day life.

Jeanie said...

I'm not sure who to congratulate most -- Joy for being the lucky winner or you for your 700th post. A big day, Marilyn. Congratulations!