Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday's Quotes

A Singing Heart

I woke up this morning
To a singing start;
I went about the live-long day,
A song within my heart.

"Sing before you breakfast;
Cry before you sleep,"
Is an old, old saying,
But never one I keep.
I sing, and I go dancing,
With music in my tread,
Until at length I've sung myself
To supper and to bed.

by Ethel Romig Fuller, Kitchen Sonnets

Photo of vintage dresses to dance and sing in.

Welcome to September.
I hope your heart is singing
and the month is a delight.


Anonymous said...

September is here
Fall approaches quickly now
Cold weather draws near.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful verse and happy September to you.


Traveling Bells said...

Hello, September! My heart is joining you in chorus, so I'm sure the month will be a delight...

Jeanie said...

This photo simply charms me. It's beautiful!

Angela McRae said...

Very much enjoyed this Kitchen Sonnet!