Friday, July 27, 2018

Stairway to the Stars

I love finding stairs that take us to the stars.
The ones that cause us to dream of adventures yet untaken.
Outdoors, of course!
For nature surrounding us just makes the travel more enchanting.
The surprise of it all can delight our soul.
Do you know tonight there will be enchantment in the sky?
The Thunder Moon will appear in the nights darkness.
Look up and be delighted.
The enchantment is there just for you.
Raise your arms to the sky and receive.
Laugh and Dance by the moonlight.

Happy weekend, dear friends!


Jeanie said...

The thunder moon. I love that. We could actually use a bit of here right now!

Red Rose Alley said...

This is such a cool picture, Marilyn. The Thunder Moon, how interesting.

Happy weekend to you.


Louca por porcelana said...

Awesome photo!Hugs!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Such a beautiful staircase! Not much moon gazing for us lately, but we have plenty of thunder! Lots of much needed rain. Love your nature musings! Loving summer.

Rosemary said...

Those stairs are amazing! I would love to see where they take me. The moon last night was gorgeous, almost commanding! Indeed a thunder moon!

Cheryl said...

Hi Marilyn. Is this Bishops Close? The moon was so beaautiful last night.

Linda P said...

The mossy steps leading upwards look inviting. I would like to climb them to see what's around the corner higher up. Although we gazed upwards we did'nt see the special moon the other night as it was too cloudy. We're thankful that we're getting some heavy rain. It is so refreshing. I hope all is well in your region. The wildfires in many locations and countries must be devastating.