Monday, August 7, 2023

Word Magic


‘If you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything. ‘~Alice Walker 

The word this week is IMAGINATION 

the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
"she'd never been blessed with a vivid imagination"
I have always had a bit of a child's whimsy in my thinking. When I see a toadstool I can imagine little people hiding underneath them. When I hear the word "imagination" I often think child-like or whimsy. In a way it seems like it could go along with curiosity too.

A bit of magic also can go along with imagination.
This dream catcher I find to be rather magical and whimsical.
Dream catchers were created by American Indians to hang over the bed and catch dreams during the night. I am wondering if imagination might show up in those dreams?
Sometimes, especially with my morning tea, I love to sit in the quiet of the house and let my mind free float, imagining delightful stories and dreaming up whimsical things. I love mind play, I love going outside and finding whimsy in nature.
In my office I have a shelf designated the "shelf of whimsy".
On the shelf are miniature tea sets, a tiny chair, a marble, sea shells, a paper boat, some mice, a dormouse, a hedgehog, fake flowers, a tiny car, and a few very cute rocks. This might sound silly and whimsical, but for me when I look at that shelf my mind floats to silly stories, sad stories and my imagination becomes quite active.
Are you fascinated with imagination?
Do you enjoy letting your mind play a bit?
Happy Monday, dear friends!
Let's play a bit this week.


Red Rose Alley said...

Your "shelf of whimsy" sounds delightful. Whenever I go to the dollar store, I browse through the garden isle and see all the fairy figurines. Sometimes I collect them for Nel who has a fairy garden in her back yard. Your photo with the pink flowers is so pretty, Marilyn. Love that. And that is one of the most unique dream catchers.

Have a pleasant weekend, Marilyn.


Jeanie said...

I LOVE the idea of a shelf of whimsy. I might have to borrow that idea as I seem to have my whimsy spread out over too wide a berth! Whenever I see toadstools, I think of Peter Pan and opening the toadstool tops to slide beneath to their living quarters.

Rosemary said...

Love that dream catcher! So colorful and almost mesmerizing. It took quite an imagination to design that one, I'm sure.