Monday, August 14, 2023

Word Magic

 The word this week is ASK

definition:  "say something in order to obtain an answer or some information."

"people are always asking questions"
What time is it?

Where is this?

Who was on the phone? 
In the Bible it says:  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

A couple weeks ago the word came up in church and it reminded me once again of my word for the year of VOICE. One of the things we use our voice for is asking. Do you find it difficult to sometimes ASK? I do! I know if I don't use my voice to ask many requests will never be known by others and often I cannot solve all on my own without help from another.

Do I ask my "live-in gardener" (husband) for money when I want something special or even for groceries? Do I ask a friend for help when I need it? Do I ask for directions when I am lost? (Thankfully, now there is GPS) Do I ask a friend to come for tea? In starting a conversation, do you ask another a question?
I know someone close to me that thinks by being asked questions the person asking is being critical of them. That makes it very difficult to being in conversation when that happens. In that situation ASK becomes a two edged sword and much thought must go into how to ask.

It seems like ASK encompasses a lot of different emotions and thoughts.
How do you feel about the word ASK?
Have a terrific week, dear friends!
Stay cool! Embrace asking!


Red Rose Alley said...

I really appreciate the word ASK. So many do not want or like to ask for things, for help, for anything. But I love the motto that is so popular, "Ask, and you shall receive." And if I'm able to, I will always give. Getting help from others is something that we all face sometimes, and helping others is something that we want to do as well. Wonderful word today, Marilyn.


Jeanie said...

All depends on what I'm asking about. I never hesitate to ask questions when I don't understand or want to dig deeper. But poor Rick -- lately, whenever he says just about anything (his voice is quiet and I swear he mumbles, though he says he doesn't) I'm continually asking "What?" It's getting bad and frustrating!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog