Monday, August 21, 2023

Word Magic


The word this week is French, joie de vi·vre

noun French. a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living.


The yellow chair sitting in my garden makes me think of this word. It sits there beckoning me to sit in the garden and just delight in the day.


The flowers in this field do the same for me. They just make me smile.


In writing this post I am realizing for me the color yellow and the outdoors give me that feeling of joie de vivre.


And going to places where I can dream of adventures.

Can you picture just sitting at the end of this dock and dangling your feet in the water? Would that delight you? On Pinterest I have a folder for pictures such of this, it is called "Sitting and Dreaming too". This is where I would do just that with Joie de Vivre. I would be dreaming of adventures, soaking in the late summer sunshine, and watching the birds swim by.

Where is your dreaming place?

Where or what gives you that feeling of Joie de Vivre?

Happy new week, dear friends!



Rosemary said...

What a fun word! Joie de vivre - it rolls off the tongue with delight! I'm dreaming of a journey to a far away place - remote and peaceful, where nature has been untouched and the fresh fruit is sweet and plentiful with family and friends that can drop everything and come along for the magical adventure. Or, simply, a stroll in the backyard, sniffing the lavender and rosemary works, too.

Jeanie said...

Ah -- well, as you might expect, the cottage is my dreaming place. But I'm happy to dream most anywhere! Joie de vivre -- oh, so many things -- good art, beautiful blooms, Lizzie, fresh baked cookies, and of course London and Paris!

Red Rose Alley said...

The table setting is so charming, Marilyn. And I love that yellow chair in your garden. Just makes me smile looking at it. French is a good word, and my son has been learning a little French, which amazes me. ; )

Have a peaceful rest of the week, Marilyn.
