Monday, October 16, 2023

Word Magic

 The word this week is MAGIC

Definition: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

"suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open"
British informal: wonderful moments

My attempt to snap a picture of natures magic in an eclipse.

"But all magic I've ever known, I had to make myself." 

  Shel Silverstein

I really liked the British informal description of the word magic. Then I read Shel Silverstein's description of making the magic myself. And it all made sense.

I think we need to notice the magic nature presents to us daily.

That saying goes, "notice what you notice".

But also make a little magic in your life.

Every year I see those amazing pots of chrysanthemums at the market and I try to resist buying them. Why, I don't know. This year I bought one and it is like magic sitting right on my front step. I touch them when I walk by. I smell them. And the magic of their beauty just makes me smile daily. What more is there than a little magic to make us smile?

Now the squirrel must have wanted to leave a little magic too; so the oak leaves were left for me to notice and smile. Then of course, a pumpkin! What is it about pumpkins that make us happy in Autumn? Again, for me it is the magic of nature, the noticing, and maybe a little planning to have magic surrounding me.

Happy Monday, dear friends!



Jeanie said...

Yesterday I was at the market and there were huge mums for $5 each. I bought two -- I wanted to buy more but couldn't quite justify it! One is in the back yard where I see it when I look out the living room window. And it adds color and pop -- and yes, some magic. It's a wonderful word that applies so many ways!

Red Rose Alley said...

Those Mums are so lovely. The perfect Autumn color. The pot of Mums must look wonderful on your front porch when you go outside. Magic reminds me of something so pleasantly unexpected. I like the quote by Shel Silverstain too!
