Monday, October 23, 2023

Word Magic

 The word this week is THIRST

Definition:a feeling of needing or wanting to drink something.

"they quenched their thirst with spring water"

When I first thought of thirst I thought of a thirst for learning or a thirst for a cup of something good to drink

This past week I saw a video interview of a young woman in Palestine talking about the water being turned off and not being able to get water. Suddenly water became precious and treasured, not easily found. Water gives life, it cleans. It is the most imbibed liquid on earth.

A few years ago I was having dizzy spells and found out that even though I drink quite a lot of tea I wasn't drinking water. Now drinking water regularly every day the dizzy spells have gone away. I recently told my "live-in gardener" that I have become addicted to water. I can't function well without it. I thirst for it.

We are made in such well planned beauty. We are all made in God's image. We all thirst for beauty, water, and knowledge. Sitting on my back steps this morning with my cup of tea I felt overwhelmed with just the simpleness of my surroundings, the sound of a plane flying over and yet there were dew drops on roses. I listened and sipped and sent love to each of you.

Have a great week, dear friends!



Lorrie said...

Lovely image, Marilyn. Water is SO important to our health. Since having a kidney stone a few years ago that was likely due to not enough water, I've been conscientious about drinking water every day.

Red Rose Alley said...

I loved every bit of your post, Marilyn. Such heartwarming words, and I my heart went out to the woman whose water was turned off and wasn't able to get water. Thank you for the rose at the end also, it made my day. It sounds so nice for you to sit on the back steps with your cup of tea and just listen to all the sounds. What a beautiful post, indeed, words and all.


Red Rose Alley said...

**I love that picture of your brown tea cup and saucer, by the way. ; )

Jeanie said...

First of all - -that CUP! Wow -- fabulous!

Interesting your water story. I'm dealing with the same thing -- a lot of lightheadness. They have adjusted mes and done a brain scan, which was fine (YAY) so are really pushing the water. I don't ow if it helps but I suspect that whether it does or not with that, it's still better for me and I'm learning to like it more! Trying to do 64 oz/day and not always making it but almost always at least 48!