Friday, May 31, 2024


" Generally symbolic of love, honor, happiness wealth, romance, and beauty, the peony is traditionally given on special occasions as an expression of goodwill, best wishes, and joy."



A peony getting ready to bloom in my garden this very morning.

 Greek mythology says that peonies stood for healing and were often put on burial sights. 

Peonies come in different shapes, sizes and colors.

My tree peony bloomed a month ago. Regular peonies are blooming now. All but the top flower were photographed at Adelman Peony Gardens near Salem, Oregon. It is quite a beautiful place to visit, even on a rainy day.


I came home with a bouquet of coral ones similar to these two. They lasted about a week in a vase and just sang to my soul. Fascinating that the last couples days they turned a soft yellow. They lost the sunshine in the color, but still shown beautifully.

The rain was coming down in buckets, but I just had to run to the field for a quick shot. It was magnificent, but very wet.


In the display gardens they married the peonies with both lupines and iris; quite a spectacular sight.

Hoping you have moments to stop and savor the glorious spring flowers around you.

Sending love,



Jeanie said...

I love peonies. I have pink ones. I wish I dared bring them inside but they seem to be loaded with ants and I can never shake them off!

Red Rose Alley said...

Such pretty pictures of the Peony, Marilyn. I may have mentioned to you that this is my cousin's favorite flower, so I feel close to her whenever I see a Peony. The peony garden you visited is beautiful.
