Monday, May 20, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy


The rose is called Just Joey. Isn't it gorgeous, one of my all time favorites!!

A gift of beauty in your inbox.

 Just a few days ago I listened to an excerpt from a graduation speech at the University of Michigan given by Brad Meltzer. On his Instagram page he says "I believe ordinary people change the world".

This quote just blew me away: "If you really want to shock the world, unleash your kindness." He talked about putting us in another one's shoes and to not shut down. The solution is to have empathy for others, to hug one another to help put the pieces back together. What a perfect message for graduates.

And YES! What I am focusing on this year is unleashing our kindness.

A perfect rose makes my heart sing. The same rose found in the garden and picked for the above vase inside the house.

And another perfect orange marmalade cat named Joey for Joy to make us smile. He was enjoying the sunshine coming in through the window. The sweet quilt was made for my daughter when she was born by her great-grandmother, now Joey enjoys it.

All it takes is a simple word, a hug or a smile to make someone's day.

Sending love,




Jeanie said...

Most important, Joey is looking good. How was his vet appointment. Every time I see him you know... well, he's special. (And so was Gypsy.)

I hadn't heard about that address but boy, is it ever spot on. I might have to dig that one up. He's right -- it would shock the world.

Red Rose Alley said...

That rose is simply beautiful, Marilyn. Love the peach color, and it's similar to the color or the mini roses I have growing in my flower bed. A peach rose represents "thankfulness." I like what the graduate from the university said. And a good reminder to not judge our fellow man by putting ourselves in their shoes for a day. What a treasured quilt this is, being handmade by great grandmother.

Have a blessed week, Marilyn.


Linda P said...

Thank you for the gorgeous rose. Gifts such as this are a good way of sharing and showing kindness.