Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tea Time

Sorting through magazines recently I came across an article by James Norwood Pratt.
It is titled Tea is Sunshine.
Holding a cup of tea in my hands does often feel like sunshine cupped in my hands,
especially in the midst of a cold winter day.

"Tea is sunshine held together by water, a fragrant song composed
during the life span of a leaf on a mountainside somewhere."

"Tea restores a distorted nervous system to normal functioning and
thus enables us to live our ordinary lives extraordinarily well."

"Momentary peace of mind and body is no small gift."

When savoring your tea today or anytime in the future,
hold it in your hand, enjoy the "peace of mind and body",
and take pleasure in the gift tea gives us through the warmth in the hands
and the delight of imbibing.

What's in your cup today?


La Tea Dah said...

wuyi oolong tea - chocolate mint - with milk (usually I take tea without milk) - sunshine in a cup!

Rosemary said...

beautiful composition... lovely prose... my cup holds a delicate Raspberry champagne white tea.

Jeanie said...

What a beautiful and tranquil photo. I feel more peaceful just looking at it. Thank you!

Teresa said...

It is raining buckets here, so I made myself a cup of orange spice "Sunshine". Have a great day.
Sips and Smiles,

Tracy said...

This was a sweet lift to my day, Marilyn... It's snowing outdoors, so my cup of tea really is like sunshine warmth in my hand. :o) I'm trying the new Twinings Earl Grey with hint of Jasmine--very nice too for an afternoon. :o) Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

relevanttealeaf said...

No one speaks [or writes] as poetically as Norwood Pratt pertaining to tea!
My cup today holds the last of a black and green tea blend with strawberry-guava and coconut, that was a gift from a friend.

Mary said...

As it's an early misty morning here, I'm hugging my coffee mug first............but this afternoon, at teatime, it will be my pretty china cup filled with Empress Grey............with a chocolate biscuit on the's too short to diet all the time!

Hugs- Mary