Thursday, February 11, 2016


Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time,
carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration.
The hummingbird's delicate grace reminds us
that life is rich, beauty is everywhere,
every personal connection as meaning and
that laughter is life's sweetest creation .
~from the back of a Papyrus card.

I believe I have shared my winter visits with the hummingbirds.
That is when I have the easiest time photographing them.
They love the feeder just outside my breakfast window.
The old Christmas lights keep the feeder from freezing in the winter
and they don't seem to mind at all.
Such special little birds, I could watch them in the garden all day long.


Jeanie said...

I've never been able to get a good shot of hummingbirds. I LOVE the idea of the lights giving warmth to the feeder and bright color to you. Every bit just right!

Lorrie said...

We love watching the hummingbirds in our garden. They come even without a feeder. The lights are a great idea!

Linda P said...

I can understand how you must love watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder. What a good idea to use the lights to keep the feeder warm! Enjoy your day, Marilyn.

Tracy said...

What lovely imagery of the hummingbird... such a lot to think about. And I would think the birds love the extra light now in winter... ;) Soooo sweet! ((HUGS))

Gail said...

So lovely - the Hummingbirds are so beautiful to watch - their gentle flight in perfect sync always fascinates me. My Mom and I spent many hours watching them together - special memories for sure. Thanks for sharing
Love Gail

Laura Morrigan said...

I love what people say about hummingbirds, and they are so tiny and magical, swift flying jewels! I wish we had them in Australia!

Angela McRae said...

That lights-on-the-birdfeeder idea is just completely brilliant.